Demonstration on Integrated Planning and Management of Forest Ecosystem in Greater Mekong Sub-region - Vietnam site
Project title: Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management Planning and Demonstration Project in Greater Mekong Subregion (Tram Chim, Viet Nam) [Project ID 2019P2-VNM)
Duration: November 2019–October 2023, 48 months
Target economy: Viet Nam
Location: Chim, Dong Thap Province
Executing agency: Forest Inventory and Planning Institute
Implementing agency: Forest Resources and Environment Center
Budget in USD (total/APFNet grant) : 625,330.53/449,567.88
Objectives: Strengthen conservation of wetland ecosystems in Tram Chim National Park through monitoring and the development of a ten-year management plan; Mitigate pressure from local communities on the national park by providing alternative income opportunities; Enhance knowledge and awareness of local community, local government and staff through capacity building.
Expected outputs: Development of a wetland area monitoring report; Formulation of water quality monitoring and development strategy plan; Development of a wetland soil monitoring report; Development of a rare and endangered flora and fauna monitoring report; Patrol of national park boundary; Construction of a 50-m bird survey tower; Development of a ten-year management plan of Tram Chim National Park; Establishment of 50-ha lotus and 10-ha water lily plantations; Establishment of 300 beehives for local households; Development of weaving products by local community; Conduct public environmental awareness-building in the national park and adjacent areas; Organization of technology training; Conduct international exchanges on wetland conservation and management.
Figure 1. Tram Chim National Park. Photo: Anna Finke/APFNet
Tram Chim National Park, also called the “Kingdom of Birds”, in Dong Thap Province in the Mekong Delta, boasts of stunning landscapes defined by tall grass, flat waterlogged lands and the iconic Melaleuca wetland forests. It is home to about 230, often endangered, aquatic bird species. Over the years, national park management have made efforts to sustainably manage the forests and wetlands, however, this has proven difficult to achieve due to the lack of a long-term vision and an integrated management plan. In addition, there is little monitoring or baseline data to track progress. At the same time, local people are encroaching upon the park, endangering fauna and flora. There are few livelihood alternatives in the area. In 2019, APFNet, Viet Nam Administration of Forestry and the Forest Inventory and Planning Institute set out to improve national park management and local people’s livelihoods. The project will support the creation of a long-term sustainable forest management plan for the park. To gather baseline data and facilitate monitoring of the park’s natural resources over time, key indicators will be surveyed and comprehensively documented, including the wetland area, water quality, wetland soil, and rare and endangered flora and fauna.Up to 50 ha of lotus and 10 ha of water lily plantations will be established to provide local people with alternative livelihoods and reduce pressure on the park. In addition, people will be trained in the art of beekeeping, with the installation of 300 hives across the area. Finally, villagers also have the option to learn how to develop weaving products.This multi-pronged approach will ensure the park can fulfil its mission to protect some of Viet Nam’s most precious and unique ecosystems.