Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forestry to Climate Change – Phase II


Project title: Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change - Phase II (2015P7-UBC (II))

Executing agency: University of British Columbia

Supervisory agency: University of British Columbia

Duration: 36 months, 01/01/2016 to 31/ 12/2018

Goal: To build upon the successfully completed outputs of phase one and continue to substantially improve the capacity of policy makers and forest managers in selected economies to develop robust adaptation strategies to improve the health and productivity of forest ecosystems and their resilience to climate change.

Objectives: Improve and expand the essential tools developed in the previous phase of the project, including climate, niche and process-based models, to further facilitate and promote related research and applications in more locations throughout the Asia-Pacific; Continue to build a strong scientific basis and provide adaptive management options to enhance the target economies’ capacity for decision making regarding adaptation to climate change; Expand the network built in phase one and continue capacity building through workshops, communication and policy notes to further enhance information sharing and technology transfer.

Expected outputs: Development of ClimateAP with future annual climate projections; Assessments of the impact of climate change on forest ecosystems, key species and vegetation types; Evaluations of adaptive forest ecosystem management strategies through model integration, development of indicators and trade-off analysis; A web platform for data access and visualization for specific economies; Networking and capacity building


 Project documents

Project proposal

Adaptation of Asia-Pacific forests to climate change

 News and related information
Adaptation of Asia-Pacific Forests to Climate Change

ClimateAP: an application for dynamic local downscaling of historical and future climate data in Asia Pacific
Climatic niche models and their consensus projections for future climates for four major forest tree species in the Asia–Pacific region