Sustainable Forest Management in Northern Provinces of Lao PDR


Project title: Sustainable Forest Management in Northern Provinces of Lao PDR (2014P1-ASEM)

Executing agency: Department of Forestry, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry

Duration: 60 months, August 2014–July 2019

Goal: To explore and demonstrate innovative approaches on forest restoration and rehabilitation for promoting sustainable forest management in northern part of Lao PDR.

Objectives: To explore, test and demonstrate effective approaches on forest restoration and forest management and responding mechanism to generate sustainable flow of benefit to closely related stakeholders; To strengthen forest law enforcement and promote cooperation on trans-boundary biodiversity conservation; To share information and knowledge of best practices on forest restoration and rehabilitation.

Expected outputs: Development of forest land use plan at district and village levels; Demonstration of the best practices and approaches for forest restoration and rehabilitation; Improvement of forest inspection system; Enhancement of cooperation on trans-boundary biodiversity conservation; Improvement of capacity for forest staff and communities; Dissemination of best practices and lessons learned.

 ♦  Develop strategic forest land use plan at 3 pilot districts, a participatory land use plan at 3 pilot villages and formulate a manual on forest land use planning.
 ♦  Demonstrate forest restoration and rehabilitation at selected plots.

 ♦  Assess sustainability of restored and rehabilitated forest ecosystem.

 ♦  Develop NTFPs management plan for pilot villages to demonstrate selected NTFPs management.

 ♦  Develop benefit sharing mechanism among stakeholders based on NTFPs management practice.

 ♦  Develop forest law enforcement strategy and establish efficient mechanisms on information sharing and communication in forestry inspection within Laos and with neighbor economies through equip two selected check points.

 ♦  Establish the forest fire monitoring system along the border.

 ♦  Strengthen the biodiversity conservation through establish information-sharing system on trans-boundary biodiversity conservation.

 ♦  Conduct training for Forestry and Forestry Inspection Departments staff and local communities.

 ♦  Disseminate the project through documentation and publicity of project experiences, participation in conferences or training workshops related to community forestry, forest restoration and rehabilitation.


 Project documents

[2014P1-ASEM-PD]_Lao project

Assessment of Forest Rehabilitation and Management in Northern Provinces, Lao PDR