Congratulation to APFNet Scholarship Student Graduated in 2012
Study in Beijing and what we have learned
Enjoying Chinese language study with classmates
Silviculture Class Trip in Beijing West Mountain Forest Park
Silvilculture Subject Trip to National Forest Park, Beijing
I have learned many things during almost 2 years in BJFU. I have gained knowledge about temperate forest management in China, the forest tenure system that has been applied in China and other forestry systems. I think I will bring these knowledge back to my country for suggestion. I learned and communicated with Chinese, although not very fluently,  but they can undersood me as well as I understood them.
During the two-year study in Beijing Forestry University, I enjoyed and learned lots of things. The most useful learning, of course, is my course study. I have improved my academic skills from many lectures and activities including wonderful study tour to see the real practice of what we have learnt in lessons.
--Bayarkhuu Chinzorig(巴亚坤), Mongolia
Whats new for us stay in China 

The First time of skiing

Snow in Beijing 2012

Human Settlement Subject Trip to Chee’ring Village, Beijing
Visiting APFNet secretariat and meeting staff there
BJFU is a very good and comfortable place. I get used to the life here even the students are crowded but  everything is good. I have many Chinese friends and we get closer day by day. They helped me a lots especially in studying Chinese. For the culture, I think China has very diverse culture, and as for me, the most interesting things are the ancient attire such as qipaos and the accessories. I will wear the qipao that I’ve bought here to go to work. 
Studying in BJFU is  good and great. My supervisor and also my Chinese friends are really helping here. Although the winter in Beijing is much colder than my country but I can handle that. Sometimes I got fever but not serious. In future I hope I will visit Beijing again.
 --Soukhavongmentmany(苏克), Laos
 We graduated…
The life in Beijing is amazing. I not only studied language, but also learned culture and the traditional but modern developing city. I like the service system in Beijing. For example, people can use the same smartcard for the trip, on bus or on subway. The most impressing thing for me is the long history of China from the ancient dynasty until now. During the period I studied at the BFU, I also visited many places such as the Tian An Men Square, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City and especially the Great Wall.
--Soukhavongmentmany(苏克), Laos
It has been two years that I enjoyed my life living in Beijing. It was a nice and memorable experience for me in my whole life. There were so many places which were so interesting for me in Beijing and left me with vivid memories. I really want to stay longer, but the time is limited.
--Hengsovan Chandara(何萨文),Cambodia
I would like to thank APFNet for this great opportunity and for helping us during these 2 years of our study here. Good effort from APFNet to develop forestry field in the Asia Pacific regions. I will use the knowledge to be implemented for our country.