Registration and online teaching for 2020 APFNet Scholarship students have been carried out in an orderly manner Due to the COVID-19, affected by the restrictions policy on entry of international students, at the beginning of this semester, ASP students
Due to the COVID-19, affected by the restrictions policy on entry of international students, at the beginning of this semester, ASP students gradually began to register online, the ASP partner universities promote online teaching arrangements and combined with the current situation, some of the colleges carry out online and offline teaching, open up new ideas, and actively explore the reform of international students' online education.
Beijing Forestry University (BJFU), Nanjing Forestry University (NJFU), Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University (NWAFU) in China, and Chulalongkorn University in Thailand, have served as the host universities of ASP to provide Master and Ph.D. programs in forestry.
Beijing Forestry University put forward the plan of carrying out online and offline simultaneous teaching, promote international students on campus return to have the traditional class, which offers Chinese language and national conditions of China courses, provides more course selection and practical opportunities for international students. At the same time, actively prepared a series of preparations for online registration of international freshmen by establishing a WeChat group, sending emails, notifying and guiding students to register online, and actively carry out online teaching in September.

Figure 1 Online ceremony for ASP students of Beijing Forestry University

The international Education College of Nanjing Forestry University is actively carrying out online registration for overseas students. Starting from August 31, 2020 ASP students have been notified to register online by email, WeChat group and other means, and the registration has nearly completed by the mid of September. For students who have successfully registered, online teaching arrangements will be released to students in time in late September, and online courses will begin in October.

Figure 2 Online interview for ASP students of Nanjing Forestry University
NWA&FU adopts a three-semester academic system, namely, the spring semester, the summer semester and the autumn semester. A 4-6 week summer semester has been newly added. Cultural practice classes and field practice classes have been added to enrich students' vision and improve students' awareness of professional practice. Currently, the online registration and online course selection of international freshmen has been gradually carried out. Up to now, 2020 ASP students have completed an online elective course according to the requirements of the College. Meanwhile, the tutor has supervised the students to read related professional papers, in support of understanding professional overview as soon as possible and determine the next research direction.
Ms.Chen Lijun and Ms.Mu Junning, two students graduated from Beijing Forestry University (BFU), have obtained Full Scholarship Awards provided by APFNet after rounds of selection and interview in August 2020. They will take a full-time study to the graduate program: the Environment, Development and Sustainability, EDS Program, at Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand. Due to ongoing COVID-19 situation, they are currently taking on-line course organized by CU.