Strengthen information sharing of policies and actions on forest restoration and sustainable forest management in the region
APFNet host the Pu’er workshop on “Forest Restoration and Sustainable Forest Management in Response to International Commitments on Climate Change” to call for its members to react to the recent world leaders’ endorsements on 20 January 2022. A total of 73 from seventeen members of the Asia-Pacific region attended the event, which includes Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC), The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and 14 regional economies.

During the opening ceremony, Mr Lu De, Executive Director of APFNet, delivered an opening remark and underpinned that the priorities of APFNet Strategic Plan 2021-2025 are much accorded with the Glasgow Leader’s Declaration on Forest and Land Use and the 2021 APEC Ministerial Meeting. He also emphasized on APFNet will continue to help support regional member economies by promoting and improving forest restoration and sustainable forest management.

As planned, the Glasgow Leaders’ Declaration on Forest and Land Use, regional progress in forestry for the APEC 2020 goal as well as the APFNet Strategic Plan 2021-2025 were introduced to provide a general overview of highlights in global and regional forestry dynamics. Then, the representatives from eight member economies kindly contributed to their efforts in response to restoring forest ecosystems and mitigating and adapting to climate change through an introduction to ongoing and planned forest-related actions and policies at the economic level. At the end of the workshop, an active and open discussion has interacted among all members and they agreed on the significance of collaboration and information-sharing for the region.