Enhanced collaboration among the SANFRI member institutes
On 13th January 2022, the Third Steering Committee Meetings of SANFRI and the Second Early Career Forum were successfully concluded by joint efforts among APFNet, Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland of China and Vietnamese Academics of Forest Sciences. Representatives from eight SANFRI member institutes and 24 young scholars attended the events.

Figure 1: A group photo of member institutes of SANFRI
The Committee meeting updated the progress of SANFRI activities during 2020-2021, elected new Chair and Vice-Chair of the Committee, and adopted the work plan for 2022-2023 through active discussion and upon agreement among all members. Worthy mentioned the Vietnamese Academy of Forest Sciences (VAFS) as a new Chair and the Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM) as a new Vice-Chair expressed their willingness to raise the bar and dedicate to the SANFRI activities during the duty period under support from APFNet. Furthermore, the Yunnan Academy of Forestry and Grassland of China has been elected as the coordination office to serve as a linkage between member institutes and APFNet, especially to assist with the rotating presidency to carry on their performance when it needs.
Figure 2: A photo of Mr De De Jajat Sudrajat (Indonesia) to deliver a
presentation on his research project under APFNet Small Research Grant.
The Early Career Academics Forum was designed for young forestry researchers to promote a mutual learning process through several presentations. The first half of the meeting was devoted to a report of the projects funded by APFNet Small Research Grant in 2020, and three young scholars from Indonesia and Vietnam presented main project activities, key outputs and milestones made. Of which, two research more focused on using alternative methods for improving seeding and seedling of valuable tree species such as S. macrophylla, L. ducampii etc., thus helping improve forest restoration in a considerably cost-effective way. Another research gave attention to carbon storage for Acacia hybrid plantation and improved livelihood of local forest growers by adding value to C-PFES payment and enhancing benefits.
In the second half of the meeting, a total of eight presentations were given by the representative of young forestry professionals from each member institute of SANFRI and provided a general picture about their institute in terms of the historical development, institutional structure and manpower, key research areas and working partners etc. It helps the mechanism partners get better know about each other and lay a foundation for closed cooperation through information-sharing. Almost all participants appreciated the forum providing such an opportunity for research idea incubation and the improvement of capacity through information-sharing.