Pu’er Sustainable Forest Management Demonstration and Training Base ready for operation

The Asia-Pacific Network for Sustainable Forest Management (APFNet) Pu’er training base was initiated in Yunnan Province, China, in January 2020 to demonstrate best practices in tropical and subtropical sustainable forest management. Funded by APFNet, the field base in Wanzhangshan Forest Farm, Pu’er City, will offer forestry training, environmental education and a platform for information exchange and policy dialogue to promote sustainable forest management in the Greater Mekong Subregion.
Based on successful implementation of a previous APFNet project, Integrated Forest Ecosystem Management Planning and Demonstration Project in Greater Mekong Subregion (Pu’er, China), the three-year project to build the base was carried out by Wanzhangshan Forest Farm and supervised by Pu’er Forestry and Grassland Bureau. The total project cost was USD 4,943,124, of which USD 3,664,129 was provided by APFNet. 
The project included construction of a Yunnan house, eco-lodges, Yunnan folk village, campground and an ecological culture campus. Following completion in July 2021, the base will provide forest experiences, accommodation, catering and conference facilities for the public.
In addition, 580 ha of forests have been established to demonstrate different forest management approaches, including selective cutting in degraded secondary forests, intensive thinning in plantation forests (simao pine and birch) and enrichment planting with high value tree species. With effective forest cultivation and management practices, the structure, stand quality and ecological service functions of forests will be improved.


APFNet Pu’er SFM Demonstration and Training Base, Yunnan Province


Following a midterm review in July 2021, the project received overall positive feedback from an external evaluation team who visited project sites and met with project partners. The team also provided recommendations for remaining project activities, including improving the management of operations and infrastructure by strengthening the professional and technical capacity of staff. The establishment of a complete service guarantee system was also addressed. 

Evaluation and project team meetings


Field visit to forest demonstration site