Roundwood trade decreases in Finland

20 April 2015, HD FestForest news - The forestry industry in Finland looks set to experience a decline with regard to the production and trading of roundwood throughout 2015. Figures compiled by the National Resources Institute Finland show that the use of industrial timber in Finland has remained fairly constant over the past few years, and officials expect this to be the case throughout 2016 as well. Consumption of this type of wood has decreased slightly in comparison to 2007, but overall appears to be performing steadily.

However, in relation to roundwood, statistics show that there has been a significant drop in both the trade and felling of these trees during the last few months, although forestry industry experts predict that this will settle towards the end of 2015, meaning any knock-on effect should only be short-lived.

Statistics from the National Resources Institute also show that the average monthly stumping price of roundwood in Finland has fallen quite dramatically since 2007, following a similar trend in relation to the cost of softwood in the country.

In total, the use of roundwood in Finland looks set to fall by between one and three per cent over the course of 2015, but may rise by one to three per cent next year, according to official industry forecasts.

What's more, the private trading of roundwood is expected to decrease by around two per cent this year, while commercial roundwood removals and gross stumpage earnings are also predicted to fall before the end of 2015.

This year's anticipated decline is being partly attributed to lower use of woodchip by Finnish homes and businesses, as the unusually mild autumn and winter that the country experienced in 2014 meant this form of wood was not needed in such high quantities to keep properties warm.

To meet targets, an increase of 1.7 million cubic metres of woodchip would need to be used this year - something that looks highly unlikely at the moment.
