Latvian veneer log prices grow

9 April 2015, HD FestForest news - The price of category A Latvian veneer logs has increased significantly, new research shows. Figures released by the Central Statistical Bureau, and reported by Baltic Course, reveal that during the second half of 2014 the typical cost of the product was up 13 per cent compared to the first six months of the year. On average, category A veneer logs cost €86.56 per cubic metre during this period.

For category B veneer logs, the increase was smaller, with the average price rising from €62.69 per cubic metre to €63.87.

Sales of the product were strong in both the domestic and export markets. Increased demand for this type of timber in birch plywood, sawn timber and furniture helped to drive prices up, as did growth in the construction sector.

When compared to the last six months of 2013, an even more notable rise in prices has occurred. The average cost of a category A veneer log increased 33 per cent during this period, while category B prices rose by close to €5 per cubic metre.

A price increase was also recorded for birch sawlogs with a diameter of 18-24 cm. The average cost of this product was up four per cent in the second half of 2014, compared to the first six months of the year.

For black alder sawlogs with a diameter over 24 cm, the typical purchase price was up seven per cent.

These statistics follow on from data from that revealed Latvian State Forests saw profits increase by around €16 million in 2014, compared to the year before. Turnover also grew, reaching €275.1 million.
