Report Examines Early Lessons from Jurisdictional REDD+

January 2015, IISD news - The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) completed an analysis of experiences in jurisdictional REDD+; that is REDD+ programmes implemented at the sub-national level rather than on a project-by-project basis. Overall, the report notes that a jurisdictional approach to REDD+ can work effectively across land types and engage a broad range of stakeholders, however working at such a large scale often presents significant challenges in terms of mobilizing technical and human capacity.

The study examined eight case studies identifying a number of advantages to a jurisdictional approach including the alignment of government policies and strategies, the achievement of credible emission reductions, and the realization of efficiencies in programme management.

The report ties jurisdictional REDD+ to low emissions development (LED) noting that REDD+ must be incorporated into a broader paradigm shift in how development is approached. The report also calls for coordination among LED approaches including REDD+ in order to balance stakeholder needs and align funding opportunities while building political momentum towards meaningful change.

Although significant lessons learned and conditions for success are explored in the report, it is noted that most jurisdictional REDD+ programmes are still in the design or early implementation stage and, as such, there is a need to continue to monitor and adapt as new information becomes available.
