UNFF Launches Website to Support Financing for SFM

January 2015, IISD news - The UN Forum on Forests (UNFF) launched a website to support the ongoing Facilitative Process adopted to assist developing countries in identifying and accessing financing for sustainable forest management (SFM). The Facilitative Process is based on the tenants of a bottom-up approach that takes into account the multiple uses and values of forests as well as the range of ecosystem services they provide.

The website highlights the three component projects of the Facilitative Process: the project on SFM financing in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Low Forest Cover Countries (LFCCs); another on financing in Africa and Least Developed Countries (LDCs); and the Climate Change Financing project aimed at applying climate change mitigation and adaptation funding to SFM.

The website also provides links and information on publications and events released by member countries and partners to the Facilitative Process including the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF), the Program on Forests (PROFOR), and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Additional resources available on the website include case studies on financing SFM in individual countries as well as reports from UNFF processes and meetings on financing SFM.

The UNFF Facilitative Process is one outcome of the resolution 'Means of Implementation for SFM' adopted at the special session of the ninth meeting of the UNFF (UNFF9) held in October 2009.

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/unff-launches-website-to-support-financing-for-sfm/