FCPF Highlights Funding Commitments, Stakeholder Participation

11 December 2014, IISD news - The Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) has highlighted the full commitment of the FCPF US$465 million pipeline and the entry of Guatemala, Indonesia and Peru into the Fund.

The information was included in the September to November edition of its newsletter, which puts a particular focus on stakeholder participation, listing the new indigenous peoples and civil society organization (CSO) representatives to the Readiness Fund and the Carbon Fund. The newsletter also includes a feature article on the engagement of indigenous peoples in REDD+ national programmes in Peru, Mexico and Nicaragua.

With regard to meetings and presentations, the newsletter provides an overview of discussions at the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF), held at the margins of the Lima Climate Change Conference, on the need for healthy landscapes in order to achieve climate change goals of net zero emissions. Also held at the Conference, the newsletter covers a joint side-event between FCPF and the Government of Peru on piloting REDD+ results based payments. Furthermore, the newsletter reflects on the New York Declaration on Forests adopted during the UN Climate Summit.

With regard to funding, in addition to summarizing funding and disbursement in the 2014 FCPF Annual Report, the newsletter announces new funding from the European Commission in the amount of €12 million and from the Government of Germany in the amount of €20 million.

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/fcpf-highlights-funding-commitments-stakeholder-participation/