UN-REDD Highlights UNEA Events and Outcomes

1 July 2014, IISD news - The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from  Deforestation (UN-REDD) released the July 2014 edition of its newsletter, which  highlights a number of REDD+ related outcomes from the first UN Environmental  Assembly (UNEA). In particular, the newsletter notes that during discussions on  financing a green economy, REDD+ emerged as an opportunity for the promotion of  sustainable development pathways.

The newsletter also features the launch of the East Africa Initiative on  Illegal Timber Trade and REDD+ by Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, a project  supported by the government of Norway, INTERPOL and the UN.

With regard to national events, the newsletter notes the convening of an  Active Listening Dialogue to exchange experiences and views from REDD+  stakeholders in Panama. The newsletter also highlights a national dialogue on  women, gender and REDD+ in Indonesia, the release of a forest cover map in  Panama, and the launch of the forest reference emission levels process in  Zambia.

Additional global events reported in the newsletter include the dialogue with  indigenous peoples at the UN Secretary-General's climate summit, and the launch  of Community-Based REDD+ (CBR+), a partnership between UN-REDD, the UN  Development Programme (UNDP), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small  Grants Programme (SGP).

The bulletin also presents recent capacity building exercises such as; a  workshop on methodologies for forest carbon monitoring in meso-America; training  on allometric equations for forest biomass estimation in Sri Lanka; a workshop  on allometric equations in Central and South Africa; and with regard to  monitoring, verification and reporting (MRV).

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/un-redd-highlights-unea-events-and-outcomes/