UN-REDD Announces Partnership for Community-based REDD+

15 May 2014, IISD News - The UN Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from  Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD) launched a partnership with the  Global Environment Facility (GEF) small grants programme (SGP) in support of  community based REDD+. The objective of the partnership is to enable indigenous  peoples and local communities to effectively participate in the design,  implementation and assessment of REDD+ projects and programmes.

The partnership will support grants up to US$50,000 for community-level  projects that complement larger-scale REDD+ readiness activities and  investments. Initially, the partnership will be piloted in Cambodia, the  Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay and Sri Lanka with  disbursement beginning towards the end of 2014. Overall, the partnership  acknowledges the important role of communities and indigenous communities in the  success of REDD+, while recognizing that such stakeholder groups may not be  adequately empowered to participate in REDD+ through large-scale  investments.

The partnership, with a total of US$4 million to disburse, is co-funded by  the GEF SGP and the Government of Norway, with support from the UN Development  Programme (UNDP). The partnership was launched during the 13th session of the UN  Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII 13).

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/un-redd-announces-partnership-for-community-based-redd/