CIFOR Analyzes Challenges to REDD+ in Six Countries

April 2014, IISD news - The Center for International Forestry  Research (CIFOR) has released a report analyzing the implementation of REDD+ in  six countries. 'The challenges of establishing REDD+ on the ground' covers 23  sub-national programmes, concluding that the greatest challenges facing REDD+  implementation are inadequate economic incentives coupled with insecure  land tenure and use rights.

The report features case studies from Brazil, Cameroon, Indonesia, Peru,  Tanzania and Viet Nam, which demonstrate that REDD+ is succeeding in reducing  local deforestation and forest degradation. However, the report's survey results  call into question the long-term sustainability of the REDD+ concept, with about  a third of respondents stating that they intend to or have already abandoned the  project affiliation to REDD+. In addition, given the uncertainty of REDD+  funding, the publication notes that many projects are lowering their  expectations for how much REDD+ projects can benefit local livelihoods.

The report also highlights steps that will support the long-term success of  REDD+, including: forest tenure reform; the alignment of REDD+ planning with  sector strategies and plans; stronger governance and actions to address illegal  logging; the development of sustainable supply chains; and the reduction of  demand for woodfuel.
