FAO Supports Forest Inventory in Zambia for REDD+ Preparedness

11 March 2014, IISD news - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) announced the launch of a second national forest inventory in Zambia, including new elements for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) for REDD+.The inventory will build on the integrated land-use assessment conducted from 2005-2008, which established a baseline for forest species size and composition, as well as forest health, value and carbon content. According to FAO, the new inventory will play an important role in assessing changes in land use and in moving REDD+ forward in Zambia.

The inventory will include the sampling of over 4000 plots in order to measure tree diameter and height and assess pests and other forest threats. In support of REDD+ benefit sharing and safeguard development, the inventory will also conduct household surveys and gather data from forest users in order to ensure that local livelihoods are strengthened.

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/fao-supports-forest-inventory-in-zambia-for-redd-preparedness/