CIFOR Presents Research Priorities

28 January 2013, IISD news - At the conclusion of 2013, the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) released a publication that details its research priorities for 2013 to 2014, emphasizing current research themes and emerging priorities.With regard to current themes, the report highlights the research programs on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry, and Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security. Specific research topics currently in focus, according to the report, include smallholders, gender, trade and investment, and forests in multi-functional landscapes, among others.

The report features emerging priorities such as evidence-based forestry (EBF); the landscape approach and the post-2015 agenda; forests, food security and nutrition; and migration, urbanization and remittances. Initiatives and projects included in the report include the EBF Initiative, which supports the communication of impact-oriented research to support policy making, and the Global Landscapes Forum (GLF) to build the knowledge base on integrated and holistic approaches to landscape management.

Finally, the report explores research needs related to financing sustainable landscapes, the green economy and corporate governance. Such research needs can, according to the publication, address the lack of private sector investment in sustainable land management (SLM), ineffective credit for smallholders, and the emerging engagement of corporations in industries such as palm oil, soy and timber production. CIFOR is a member of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
