Bhutan’s Third Forestry Conference

23 December 2013, Bhutan’s MOAF News - During the period of 19-21 December 2013, more than 180 foresters and conservationists from across the country have gathered at Samtse to discuss issues and deliberate clear understanding of the existing gaps in policies and strategies of the Department of Forest and Park Services (DoFPS), Ministry of Agriculture and Forests (MoAF).

His Excellency Lyonpo Yeshey Dorji, MoAF graced the Third Forestry Conference “enhancing sustainable forest management through improved forest governance” as the Chief Guest. In his opening address, His Excellency praised the foresters for their excellent services in the conservation of the environment. He further emphasized that the functions of DoFPS should not be limited to the conservation of environment only but should also look into deriving benefits from forestry resources.

HE Lyonpo Yeshey Dorji shared that some of critical issues that needs to be addressed urgently are national forest inventory, poaching and illegal timber, human wildlife conflict, solid waste management, reforestation program, promoting eco-tourism, enhancing sustainable forest management and efficient utilization of timber. He further shared that the conference is timely and expects to translate the policies and strategies to address the issues.

The Director General of DoFPS, Mr. Chencho Norbu shared that in order to effectively deliver our services, we should come together as a team and there should always be trust, respect and partnership.

The forestry conference is held once every two years, the first being held in 2009 at Zhemgang and the second in 2011 at Samdrup Jongkhar. Forestry Conferences are important as the forestry sector continually confronts changing and challenging needs of the society and global agenda.

The Third Forestry Conference is held from 19 to 21 December 2013.

Present at the conference were Dasho Dzongdag, Dasho Drangpon and Dasho Dzongrab of Samtse Dzongkhag Administration, Director General, DoA, Director General, DoFPS, Executive Director, BAFRA, Lam and lopen from Samtse Dratshang, Officials from Royal Bhutan Army, Royal Bhutan Police, Samtse College of Education and Army Welfare Project.
