Bonn Challenge on Forests, Climate Change and Biodiversity

2 September 2011, IUCN news - The German Government, IUCN and the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) are hosting two key back-to-back meetings as the 2011 International Year of Forests enters its final months.  A Restoration Leadership Forum, on 1 September, will be followed by a Ministerial Roundable the next day, with the main objectives of:

·        catalysing globally significant and measurable contributions to forest and landscape restoration.

·        identifying practical actions linking climate change and biodiversity objectives through forest and landscape restoration, using the REDD+ mechanism as a vehicle.

·        increasing recognition of the multiple benefits which can flow from this approach, including improved food security and livelihoods.

With brand new analyses regarding the state and value of the world's forests as well as exciting new commitments to be announced, the Bonn Challenge looks to be a milestone in forest landscape restoration.