Bangladesh's log import soared more than 27 per cent in 2010

30 January 2011, Thefinancialexpress news - Bangladesh's log import soared more than 27 per cent in 2010 as its demand has surged in the growing furniture industry, boat making and other commercial uses, according to Chitagong Customs House.

Local log importers purchased nearly 206,000 tonnes last year against 163,000 tonnes in 2009, according to Chittagong Customs statistics.

Bangladesh's log importers mainly procure the timber from neighbouring Myanmar and use Chittagong port and Teknaf land port.

A few importers also procure the log from Nigeria, Russia and New Zealand.

Importers said the volume of log import has risen in recent years as its usages for making fishing boats, trawlers, body of truck, doors and windows of housing projects in urban areas have increased manifold.