Japanese buyers could halt old-growth logging

December 22, 2009, The Age - After a generation of forest conflict in Tasmania, an end to old-growth logging could be in sight, forced by global market demand. Japanese customers have told Forestry Tasmania they want the state products they buy to have the green tick of approval from the strict Forest Stewardship Council.

The FSC requires that timber comes from existing plantations and not from high-conservation forests. It also demands community support for these operations.

Forestry Tasmania's managing director Bob Gordon said the state agency had held preliminary discussions with FSC Australia, but needed to know more before committing to the certification process.

FSC Australia's chief executive, Michael Spencer, said assuming most old growth forests were of high conservation value, the logging of them would have to stop.

Until now Forestry Tasmania has been an advocate of the alternative Australian Forestry Standard, which has looser requirements, such as maintaining "functional forested land, biodiversity and options for future generations".

Last year 2110 hectares of old-growth forest was logged in Tasmania.

Sources: http://www.theage.com.au/environment/japanese-buyers-could-halt-oldgrowth-logging-20091221-la68.html