Vietnam Approves the National Redd+ Action Programme

3 July 2012, Theredddesk news - On June 27, 2012, Prime Minister approved the National Action Programme on “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, Sustainable Management of Forests, Conservation of Forests and Enhancement of Forest Carbon Stocks” in the period 2011-2020 under the Decision 799/QD-TTg. The goal of this REDD+ Programme is to contribute to the successful implementation of the National Climate Change Strategy and the poverty reduction goals towards sustainable development.

In terms of the implementation, the Decision specifies the roles and responsibilities of relevant Ministries to implement REDD+ Programme. The Minister of MARD is assigned to establish a Vietnam REDD+ Steering Committee and stipulate the operational regulations of the Committee. The Minister is also granted authority to get agreement with donors to set up an Advisory Board to support the monitoring of REDD+ Programme implementation when necessary. Meanwhile, Vietnam REDD+ Office, established under the decision of the Minister of MARD, is a supporting part of the REDD+ Steering Committee.

This is an important decision as it will contribute to the implementation of National Climate Change Strategy and expresses the goodwill of Vietnam, together with the international community, to protect the Earth’s Climate system.