UNFF Briefs States on UNFF 11, IAF Assessment and SDGs, New Director Announced

2 July 2014, IISD news - The Chair of the Bureau (Gabon) of the UN Forum on Forests  (UNFF) provided a briefing, following a meeting of the Bureau, regarding the  11th session of the UNFF, activities taking place between UNFF 10 and 11, and  forests on the post-2015 development agenda. The new Director of UNFF, effective  1 September 2014, was also announced during the briefing.

On UNFF 11, Noel Nelson Messone, UNFF Bureau Chair, said the session will  take place on 4-15 May 2015, in New York, US. He said UNFF 11 is of particular  importance because: it will review the current International Arrangement on  Forests (IAF) on forests and decide on the future of the Arrangement;  integrating forests into the post-2015 development agenda will be a key item on  the session's agenda; and it will include a high-level segment, in accordance  with the UNFF's multi-year programme of work. The high-level segment will take  place on 13-15 May.

Messone also shared the Bureau's decision that the session will have two  major negotiated outcomes: a ministerial declaration resulting from the  high-level segment; and an omnibus resolution, which will address the future of  the IAF, among other substantive issues. He said that, in the context of  transparency in preparations for UNFF 11, Member States will be invited to  submit their views on the building blocks of the ministerial declaration, by 30  January 2015.

On intersessional activities of the UNFF, Messone highlighted the independent  assessment on the future of the IAF, on which the assessment team will provide a  report in September 2014. He announced a second round of inputs from Member  States and stakeholders on the IAF, with a deadline of 5 December 2014, ahead of  an IAF meeting on 12-16 January 2015. He also noted two country-led initiatives,  a workshop on IAF beyond 2015 hosted by China, to be held 29-31 October 2014, in  Beijing, China and 'Governing Forests Landscapes: Interlaken+10,' to be hosted  by Switzerland, on 3-6 February 2015 in Interlaken, Switzerland.

On the integration of forests in the post-2015 development agenda and the  Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Messone said OWG 13 will be the last  opportunity for States to stress the role of forests in sustainable development,  and encouraged negotiators to ensure forests are integrated in a meaningful and  visible manner. The Bureau is concerned, he said, that the current draft  document does not refer to forests in a goal heading.

Finally, the UNFF Secretariat announced that the selection of a new  director has been completed. Following the November 2013 retirement of Jan  McAlpine, the UN Secretary-General has appointed Manoel Sobral Filho of Brazil.  Sobral, who previously served as Executive Director of the International  Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO). He will begin his duties on 1 September  2014.

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/unff-briefs-states-on-unff-11-iaf-assessment-and-sdgs-new-director-announced/