Funding of Russia’s forest sector to go up by 50% to top RUB 33 bln in 2011

21 March 2011ITAR-TASS news - The financing of the Russian forest sector will be increased by 50 percent in the current year, as compared to 2010, and will make up 33.2 billion roubles (USD 1 = RUB 28.36), Russian First Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov said on Monday, during the All-Russia conference devoted to the forestry relations.

In his words, “about ten billion roubles out of the above-mentioned sum will be transferred to the regions to organise forest fire protection, including the equipping with the special fire-fighting machinery.”

“The last year’s forest fires became a serious test for the sector and demonstrated vulnerability of Russia’s forests,” Zubkov said.

He pointed to the imperfection of the forestry legislation, insufficient forest protection measures, and deficit of the fire-fighting machinery.

“The forest management sphere needs a comprehensive approach and systematic decisions,” the first deputy prime minister said.

In 2010, the government adopted several steps aimed at the improvement of the forestry legislation, he reaffirmed. Besides, it was started working out of the federal program for the development of the Russian forest industry, Zubkov said, adding that the program will embrace 2012-2020.

In order to step up the purchase of fire-fighting equipment this year, the Russian government made a decision to compile a list of the sector’s only suppliers of machinery, he said, adding that the list will be ready in the near future.

Besides, the first deputy prime minister urged the governors to be responsible while purchasing the fire-fighting machinery and equipment.

The sector’s financing plan of 2011 also includes spending for the forest mapping up, developing of forests and keeping of forest register, Zubkov said.

The meeting on forest industry brought together representatives of the Federal Forestry Agency, the Emergencies Ministry, the Audit Chamber, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the State Duma and heads of Russian regions.