CIFOR Project Prepares PES Guide

12 December 2014, IISD news - As part of a project on land tenure and use rights in Indonesia the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) developed a guide on conducting feasibility assessments for payments for ecosystem services (PES).

Overall, the guide sets out ten steps covering the identification of the ecosystem service to be covered by the payment scheme, engagement of sellers and buyers and establishment of the market, institutional and governance frameworks, gathering baseline data, and building a monitoring and evaluation system and equitable benefit sharing mechanism.

The guide is intended to complement existing good practice guides on PES by elaborating on the initial step of PES; assessing the potential of PES to work effectively and contribute to the preservation of ecosystem services.

The project, 'collaborative land use planning and sustainable institutional arrangement for strengthening land tenure, forest and community rights in Indonesia' (CoLUPSIA) aims to avoid deforestation and forest degradation. CIFOR is part of the CGIAR Consortium.
