UNFCCC Expert Meeting Discusses REDD+ Information Hub

3 September 2014, IISD news - An expert meeting on an information hub for information on results of the activities referred to in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 (REDD-plus) and results-based payments was organized by the UNFCCC Secretariat from 2-3 September 2014, in Bonn, Germany. The meeting discussed technical and design aspects relating to the set-up of the information hub.

The decision to establish an information hub on the REDD Web Platform on the UNFCCC website for publishing information relating to results of REDD-plus activities and corresponding results-based payments was taken by the 19th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 19). In addition, COP 19 requested the UNFCCC Secretariat to organize an expert meeting and prepare a report on it for the consideration at the 41st session of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI 41).

The information hub will aim to increase transparency of information on results-based actions and payments, and associated elements of implementation. It will contain information on and links to, inter alia: results in tCO2/year; forest reference emission level and/or forest reference level; information on how safeguards are being addressed; the party's REDD-plus strategy or action plan; information on the national forest monitoring system; and information on the quantity of results for which payments were received, and the paying entity.

Presentations and plenary discussions held during the expert meeting focused, among other things, on: developing country parties' and intergovernmental organizations' experiences with web portals; suggestions for the information hub; and detailed technical considerations.

Suggestions and ideas presented include: the need for a simple, user-friendly and transparent system, designed in a way that avoids double reporting; use of an open format database; adding of graphics and figures; display of contact information; and a separate country-specific page for presenting additional information on a voluntary basis. Parties also requested the Secretariat to explore ways to increase the visibility of and access to the REDD Web Platform on the UNFCCC website.

Source: http://forests-l.iisd.org/news/unfccc-expert-meeting-discusses-redd-information-hub/