'Better late than never': Myanmar bans timber exports to save remaining forests

24 April 2014, Mongabay news - Myanmar contains some of Asia's largest forests, but has been losing them at a  rapid pace during the last two decades as logging companies emptied woodlands to  meet the demands of the lumber industry. In an effort to save its disappearing  forests, Myanmar implemented a ban on log exports, effective March 31, 2014.  However, the ban affects only raw timber exports, not milled lumber, throwing  into doubt its ability to significantly curb deforestation.

Myanmar  boasts a variety of environments – from the Himalayan foothills of the north, to  the fertile plains surrounding the Irrawaddy River in its center, to the  tropical forests and mangroves of its coastal south. These diverse habitats  support a huge number of species, making it one of the most biodiverse places on  the planet. Its residents include many endemic species, such as the white-browed  nuthatch (Sitta victoriae), Myanmar snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus  strykeri), Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota), and Burmese  roof turtle (Batagur trivittata). In total, 233 threatened species are  found here, 65 of them classified as Endangered, and 37 as Critically Endangered  by the IUCN.

Habitat loss through  deforestation is one of the primary drivers of population declines in Myanmar.  According to Global Forest  Watch, approximately 1.5 million hectares of forest were felled between 2000  and 2013, much of it harvested illegally. The damage is most concentrated along  the northern reaches of the Irrawaddy River where, in places, more than 60  percent of the land has been logged over the past decade. Many of these areas  show little to no forest grow-back, particularly along the river.

Without roots to bind the soil, riverbanks erode into the water, making rivers  wider, shallower, warmer, and murkier. Warm water also holds less oxygen than  cool water. Aquatic species that are adapted to clear, cold water may not be  able to contend with these new conditions; for instance, silt can accumulate on  the gills of fish, suffocating them. These effects echo through the food chain,  impacting many species across many ecosystems.

The Irrawaddy dolphin  (Orcaella brevirostris) is one such unfortunate bystander. Listed as  Critically Endangered in Myanmar, scientists estimate only 58-72 exist in the  Irrawaddy River. Scientists believe its decline is hinged on steep reductions in  fish populations, caused, in part, by the impact of deforestation on water  quality. Interviews with area locals indicate that the situation has worsened significantly in  just the last two years. The reported average catch size by fishermen in 2012  was 25 kilograms (55 pounds); in 2014 catch-size had plummeted by more than 80  percent. In addition to fewer available fish for the dolphins, local fishermen  have adopted new techniques to maximize catches. One of these, high-voltage  electrical shocking, has been shown to kill dolphins that are swimming nearby.

Myanmar enacted the timber export ban in response to  ecological repercussions, together with the fact that trees were simply running  out. Even industry officials supported the ban, as remaining resources dwindled  to point at which Myanmar was left without sufficient raw lumber to manufacture  finished products. Teak (Tectona grandis), is especially valued for  furniture and boats because of its durability and water resistance. Prior to the  export ban, Myanmar exported an estimated third of the teak lumber supply  worldwide, and was the only country that still exported raw teak logs from  natural forests rather than from plantations.

According to Global Forest  Watch, of Myanmar's total land area of 67.7 million hectares, only approximately  6.3 million hectares – less than 10 percent – consists of intact forest. Much of  this exists in the country's mountainous north, where forests are less  accessible to logging outfits. In contrast, there are no intact forests in the  entirety of Myanmar's eastern portion. This region of approximately 12 million  hectares also contains no substantial protected areas – despite its status as a  biodiversity hotspot.

In addition to the  export ban, Myanmar is also planning to reduce domestic-use harvest quotas for  teak by 80 percent in 2015. However, as much of the country's logging is done  illegally, it remains to be seen how effective a new quota will be.

There are doubts as to how successful the ban will actually be when it comes to  preserving Myanmar's forests. While it effectively ends the export of whole  logs, it does not affect milled timber. In response, many lumber yards are being  set up throughout the country. One of these, established in Yangon by the  Singapore-based Concorde Industries, plans on milling 10,000 tons of wood  annually for export to Europe. Critics also cite a lack of clarity from the  government regarding implementation of the ban and illegal harvests.

"Now  there's a strong push in the [Myanmar Timber Merchants Association] and the  [Ministry of Environmental Conservation and Forestry] to clamp down on illegal  logging, but it's not clear to me what illegal logging in this context actually  means," Kevin Woods, a researcher with the NGO Forest Trends, told Myanmar  Times.

"Does that mean that logging is being done by villagers and  then sold to businessmen without the explicit permission of [the ministry]? Or  could it also mean, as I feel it should ... logging being done by crony companies  in natural, unmanaged forests? None of that is clear to me from any statement  made by any government officials."

The rush to fill cargo vessels with  timber before the ban became effective resulted in frenzies at wharves along  Myanmar's coast. Many exporters believed that either the ban would be rescinded  or the deadline extended, and so had not made advance plans to ship their  stores. Because of this, the total March export that was three times larger than  the average monthly export in 2012, and an estimated 90,000 cubic meters (3.18  million cubic feet) of surplus timber remains unshipped.

The export ban  had been in the works since the 1990s, but it took 20 years and the loss of  millions of hectares of forest to make it a reality.

"Of course, this ban  should have been imposed a long time ago, "a forestry ministry official told Reuters,  "but it's better late than never."

Source: http://news.mongabay.com/2014/0424-morgan-myanmar-ban.html?utm_source=People+and+Forests+E-News&utm_campaign=e5a2c39bef-People_and_Forests_E_News_JUN_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_45977cdcf4-e5a2c39bef-399231114#quv3WzBLU1uwLSit.99