The APFNet Manual for Project Identification, Implementation and Management (short: APFNet “PIIM Manual”) aims to provide project partners with comprehensive guidance of the life cycle and management of APFNet projects to ensure that APFNet-supported projects are applied for, implemented and managed effectively. The PIIM covers all phases of the project cycle, including project identification, agreement signing and inception, implementation, project monitoring, evaluation, and reporting, and finally project completion and closure. It clarifies timeframes, rules and procedures. Member economies, international organizations, Executing Agencies, the Project Appraisal Panel, consultants and project evaluators, auditing firms, as well as the APFNet Secretariat itself, and whoev​er is involved in APFNet-funded projects, should adhere to the procedures and guidelines of the PIIM to effectively conduct APFNet projects.
The Criteria, Indicators, and Processes for Appraising APFNet Projects outlines the criteria and indicators used to appraise Concept Notes and Project Proposals, as well as the processes involved in the appraisal. These processes help APFNet make informed decisions about whether to proceed with a project. The document also serves as guidelines for preparing project Concept Notes and Proposals that are suitable for submission to APFNet for funding.
The APFNet Guidelines for Project Monitoring and Evaluation provide evaluators, project partners, APFNet staff and other stakeholders with guidance on conducting monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of APFNet-funded projects. They mainly cover aspects of M&E classification, principles, criteria, frequency, procedures and other relevant formats.
The APFNet Project Visual Identity and Communications Guide provides general guidance and good practices on recommended communication and dissemination(C&D) activities, visual identity, and the documentation of APFNet-funded projects. The main purposes of the guide are: 1) assist EAs in developing and implementing C&D strategies to communicate their work effectively to target audiences; 2)  determine the nature and frequency of C&D products that EAs and partners should develop to disseminate the lessons learned in APFNet-funded projects; 3) guide APFNet logo use and help project partners prepare C&D materials in a coherent way to promote the visual identity of APFNet projects; and 4) enable EAs and partners to properly document project activities.
The APFNet Procedures for Project Consultant Selection and Recruitment presents policies and procedures for selecting, contracting, and monitoring consultants employed for projects and activities which are directly funded by APFNet. The aim of this document is to ensure that consultants who perform required services financed by APFNet-funded projects are employed on the basis of their demonstrated competence and professional qualification.
The APFNet Style Manual provides general guidance on APFNet’s English language usage to ensure clarity and consistency in APFNet publications. The rules and conventions specified should be applied to APFNet print publications, the APFNet website and other APFNet materials, as appropriate. The manual is not comprehensive, and for further guidance additional web resources with links are indicated (most of these resources, which are external to APFNet, are free). In situations where guidance is not provided, the most important issue is to main consistency and clarity, following the “keep it short and simple” rule.

   ♦  APFNet Procedures for Project Consultant Selection and Recruitment (2022)